CCI Blog

Prevention 2019!

Written by Ashley Billman | January 18, 2019 at 7:00 AM
Prevention of Substance Abuse - 2019 Goals!

Just left an inspiring CCI meeting and was on top of the world! Driving home with newly recharged enthusiasm to change the world. Hallelujah! I wanted to yell prevention from the mountain tops! I thought about unique ways I could share my passion for prevention with new people in a larger reach. Finally I had reached the idea of ideas... BLOGGING! I would start a statewide blog consisting of information about prevention. How cool would that be? Can you feel the excitement, just thinking about it? Time went by, life became busy, my hopes and dreams faded through prevention ups and downs.


Fast forward a year: Unsure now if this blog was requested or was assigned, ironically I found myself with the task of creating a blog, and grumbling to myself. I am too busy, and not even good at writing. My doubts kept talking, how could I do this? I had once dreamed about reaching a larger audience, finding another creative avenue to share prevention. I said to myself, “Ashley, you better be more careful for what you wish for.”


Getting over all that, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to participate in a statewide organization. Writing and organizing this blog is an awesome opportunity and I will take advantage of it. My 2019 Prevention Goal is to organize or write a blog post, related to prevention, once per week, for one year. Basically the flip side is I have just now made a goal for Molly and Debi once per week, for one year, edit and review blog posts. You are welcome, both of you. Enjoy the blog or not, prevention is real and it matters, this is one way I will share prevention this year.


This is a small insignificant story, but real. Our struggles are real, and we push forward. What are your hopes and dreams, or as they say in prevention goals and objectives. Not naming anyone but some would even go as far as to say what is your Logic Model? LOL


Obviously we are not going to eradicate youth marijuana use or youth vaping this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try. Wishing all your 2019 prevention dreams and goals come! Make and share your personal 2019 prevention goals TODAY!