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Last Minute 3 Step Checklist


Did you remember to send out a media release, or maybe you don't have enough content for social media? What message should you be posting? This is a last minute RX Take Back Day Checklist for your Take-Back event. If you are not going to a Take-Back event, you can still participate by going through this checklist.


RX Take-Back Day Checklist:


1. Email Out Media Release

Idaho Opiod Work-group has provided a Media Release Template. This template is useful to send media and news outlets, details about your local Take-Back event, or educate what Take-Back day is and where your local drop boxes are located.


2. Your Drop Box Locations

Idaho Office of Drug Policy (ODP) has created superb 2019 regional rack cards, to disseminate digitally or through print. These rack cards are eye appealing, and concise, with data about youth. ODP really did a superb job on this one. The front side of the rack card explains how "keeping unused Rx increases access and potential for misuse." The backside is individual to your region with locations of current drop boxes. To download now, go to 2019 Regional Rack Cards Let your friends and family know where they can safely dispose of prescriptions.


3. Schedule Social Media Posts

Both the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA) have ready to go campaigns to post on social media platforms.


The DEA is the official headquarters for the National Rx Take-Back event. Their resources include collection site locator, public service announcements, treatment resources, and a bunch of other miscellaneous Rx resources. What I found interesting is the Rx Take-Back Results. Put registering your event with the DEA on next years Take-Back event checklist. Check out 2018 results and the DEA National RX Take-Back Event. or the Partnership Toolbox


FDA just announced Remove the Risk Outreach Toolkit which is directed towards all Americans but "targets women ages 35-64, who are most likely to oversee household health care decisions and often serve as the gatekeepers to opioids and other prescription medications in the home."(2019 FDA) The campaign message is about safe disposal and dangers of keeping unused prescriptions in the home. If this is a message you want to share, find the toolkit at Remove the Risk Outreach Toolkit.


Remember social media posts don't have to be posted only on Rx Take-Back Saturday. Schedule posts for the next two weeks to follow up as a reminder for anyone who was not able to dispose safely at an event.


DEA Take-Back Day Resources and Tools


FDA Remove the Risk Campaign


Idaho Opioid Work-group Media Release Template


Idaho Office of Drug Policy Regional Rack Cards


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